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    • Cycle Tourism


Quando il paesaggio Sondrio-Valmalenco assume le tonalità del rosso e del giallo dorato, nelle valli e sui pendii terrazzati potrete osservare i contadini impegnati nella vendemmia o nella raccolta delle mele e delle castagne. Nell’aria fresca e tersa d’autunno potete ammirare i panorami mozzafiato delle montagne oppure pedalare lungo i vigneti e gustare le specialità valtellinesi offerte nei tanti locali tradizionali. Gli alpeggi, i sentieri della Valmalenco e di Sondrio e dintorni invitano a compiere magnifiche escursioni all'aria aperta in una suggestiva e calorosa atmosfera autunnale. Il territorio Sondrio-Valmalenco in questo periodo offre emozioni di qualità, da vivere in piena libertà

On the same topic

Cycling, trekking & climbing - Mountain class

3 days to discover the environment, through sporting activities among nature
  • Active & Green
Cycling, trekking & climbing - Mountain class


  • Active & Green

The wine and tastes route

A fascinating route, that leads you to the discovery of the Nebbiolo delle Alpi
  • Active & Green
The wine and tastes route

Map & compass - Mountain class

Educational and recreational activities accompanied by guides
  • Active & Green
Map & compass - Mountain class

Climbing apprenticeship - Mountain class

A day dedicated to climbing with the assistance of an Alpine guide
  • Active & Green
Climbing apprenticeship - Mountain class

Horse riding

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Horse riding

Geologic park in Chiareggio - Mountain class

A day trek to get acquainted with geology: from the formation of the Alps to the classification of rocks
  • Active & Green
Geologic park in Chiareggio - Mountain class

The secrets of the snow - Mountain class

Snowshoeing in the fairy-tale landscapes of Valmalenco
  • Active & Green
The secrets of the snow - Mountain class

Parco delle orobie valtellinesi - Mountain class

Guided tour in the national park "Parco delle Orobie Valtellinesi"
  • Active & Green
Parco delle orobie valtellinesi - Mountain class

Snow train

Plenty of snow and zero traffic thanks to the offer launched in cooperation with Trenord.
  • Active & Green
Snow train

Parco dei Bordighi - Mountain class

Guided tour in the natural reserve “Parco dei Bordighi”
  • Active & Green
Parco dei Bordighi - Mountain class

Walks for everyone

Besides many shelters of Valmalenco, easily attainable from families and who approaches to the world of hiking for the first time, we signal some simple itineraries suitable for all. 
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Walks for everyone


  • Active & Green

Shades of fall - excursions to discover the foliage

  • Active & Green
Shades of fall - excursions to discover the foliage

Glaciological trail - Mountain class

2 days to discover the amazing ices of Valmalenco and visit to the old talc mine “La Bagnada”
  • Active & Green
Glaciological trail - Mountain class

Ferrata del Torrione Porro

It is a moderate difficulty ferrata that develops in Valmalenco.
  • Active & Green
Ferrata del Torrione Porro

Aereoclub in Sondrio

Hover in the sky like butterflies, letting yourself be carried away by the high currents like seagulls in search of freedom
  • Active & Green
Aereoclub in Sondrio

Autumn colours

A magic trek when Autumn paints the Alps
  • Active & Green
Autumn colours

Discovering the mountains - Mountain class

2 days of climbing, orienteering and knot school, visit to a talc mine or trekking
  • Active & Green
Discovering the mountains - Mountain class

4 passi per tutti - Il giro dei 3 ponti

  • Active & Green
4 passi per tutti - Il giro dei 3 ponti